Lights, Camera, Paws! Our TV Debut on CTV Atlantic

Taylor had the privilege of working with Ana Almeida and her sweet boy, Max, some time ago. Ever since then, Ana has been asking Taylor to share some dog training tips on the CTV Morning Atlantic Show. Despite her enthusiasm, Taylor was always a bit too nervous to accept the invitation. That’s when Ashley stepped in, taking on the role of cheerleader!

We finally made the early morning journey to Halifax for our TV debut, and of course, Roman couldn’t miss the chance to be in front of the cameras! The studio team was incredibly welcoming, which definitely helped ease our TV nerves.

Our goal was to discuss how to introduce a new dog into your home and create a sustainable life for everyone involved. And while we had some valuable insights to share, Roman inevitably stole the show!

Check out our news clip here!


Why “It’s All in How You Raise Them” is a Dangerous Myth


Behind the Leash…